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Reviews of studies

Here you will find studies by the Natural Forest Academy and reviews of other relevant studies on climate and natural forest research.

  • Join our annual summer school in Natural Forestry and Ecology

    Join our annual summer school in Natural Forestry and Ecology

    Students and young professionals: Meet the experts in Natural Forestry and Ecology. At the European Natural Forest School, experts in forestry and forest conservation from institutions across Europe will gather to share their knowledge, skills and experience.

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  • Quality over quantity – primeval forests store carbon in the soil sustainably

    Quality over quantity – primeval forests store carbon in the soil sustainably

    Study: How does leaf litter affect soil organic carbon? Currently, there is an assumption that higher litter fall also implies higher soil carbon. Incorrectly, litter quality is rarely taken into account.

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  • How the forest ecosystem shapes its abiotic conditions and thereby itself

    How the forest ecosystem shapes its abiotic conditions and thereby itself

    A study shows that the forest ecosystem shapes its environment, such as the microclimate or soil properties, to a greater extent than previously assumed. By influencing the environmental factors, the forest community as a whole is strengthened at the same time.

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  • Tree giants are carbon giants – above and below ground

    Tree giants are carbon giants – above and below ground

    Study: A comparatively large amount of carbon from the atmosphere is also bound in the soil under old trees. Thus, old trees make an important contribution to climate protection above and below ground. This must be taken into account in timber harvesting if climate protection in the forest is to gain in value.

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  • From climate protector to source of danger?

    From climate protector to source of danger?

    Study: Can land ecosystems go from being a carbon sink to a carbon source in the future? The study investigates whether climate change-induced temperature changes will bring the carbon uptake and release of terrestrial ecosystems to a tipping point.

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  • Nitrogen input in forests: a fertilizer to cut both ways

    Nitrogen input in forests: a fertilizer to cut both ways

    Study: The researchers show how that the Nitrogen input in forests has much more impact than the climate change so far. The data came from 100,000 coniferous and deciduous trees in 442 even-aged pure stands from 23 European countries.

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  • EU forests could absorb twice as much CO2

    EU forests could absorb twice as much CO2

    The study of the Naturwald Akademie Germany shows how the climatic performance of the forest can be improved in Europe through near-natural, low-impact forestry. In the ideal case, forests can bind twice as much CO2 from the atmosphere each year. For this to happen, the current practice of forest management would have to change throughout…

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  • Big birds need old trees

    Big birds need old trees

    Study: The quality of the habitat and especially of breeding trees are key factors in the nesting site selection of forest-dwelling bird species. Even if some types have the same claims in basic features, these can accompany however with further, different, habitat-claims.

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  • Burning wood is not climate-neutrale

    Burning wood is not climate-neutrale

    position e-paper: Burning wood is not climate-neutral this clarifies a team of scientists around Prof. Dr. Pierre Ibisch from the University for Sustainable Development in Eberswalde (HNEE, Germany) on the basis of worldwide research work. Even the use of wood in durable products can be detrimental to the climate – especially when the harvesting of…

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